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Plum Creek Book Discussion Resources

Thanks to all of you who participated in our recent On the Banks of Plum Creek book discussion. It was the fourth Little House discussion Cindy Wilson and I have led together. It was our privilege to invite special guest Dan Peterson as part of our talk.

Some of you have already shared encouraging feedback. Thanks so much! We're even planning another future book discussion. What Little House book would you be most interested in? Leave a comment! Please let other organizations know we are open to working with others for more in-person and virtual book discussions.

For those who were not able to attend, we're excited to provide the recording. The link was just emailed to registered participants. 

Connect with Dan, Cindy, and Annette

Cindy, Dan, and I would love to connect with you. Please find us at a variety of places online. Keep reading to see our list of resources. 

Connect with Dan Peterson

Dan's books are available at He suggests just searching his name. Three specific books are linked below.

Connect with Cindy Wilson

The Beautiful Snow by Cindy Wilson
available at 

Connect with Annette Whipple (me) (blog that you're currently reading) (Author website)

The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide by Annette Whipple
Learn more at Ask for it at your local bookstore or library. It's also available at many of the Wilder museums and on Amazon. I am the author of 12 fact-filled books with three more contracted books coming in the future. Learn more at

Recommended Resources

A participant asked for a list of some of the resources we recommended during our talk. What a fabulous idea! Please know we used a much wider selection of resources to research for our book discussion (and way too many to list here for our book research which also included many primary resources). 

Please note: In the following section some Amazon affiliate links are used. However, we do love to support the LIW museums by purchasing through their stores. Links for some books were not easily found, but if you plan to make a museum purchase, please contact the store to see if they have other items you may be interested in. Often more is available than what is shown online. (For example, a few years ago, I purchased the Farm Journalist book at the Almanzo Wilder Farm but I couldn't find it in their online store.) 

Little House Book Discussion 
The main resource we based our book discussion was my own book The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide (Chicago Review Press, 2020). You are welcome to lead a book discussion using this as your own resource. Please acknowledge the book as your resource if you rely heavily upon it. We also supplemented our talk with additional research, some noted below.

Listen to Pa's bell ringing available at

Dan Recommended
Charles Ingalls and the US Public Land Laws by Nancy Cleaveland and Penny Linsenmayer available for download.

I also want to recommend these three books of Dan's though I don't think he mentioned them by name during the talk.
The Grasshopper Years 1873-1877: Walnut Grove Minnesota by Dan Peterson available here.

What Happened to Those People Laura Ingalls Wilder Wrote About? by Dan Peterson available here.  

The Master's Hotel: Walnut Grove, Minnesota by Dan Peterson available here.

Cindy Recommended 
Laura Ingalls Wilder's Walnut Grove, by William Anderson available at the gift shop in Pepin.
(Annette's editorial note: I suspect we all recommend ALL of William Anderson's books!) 

Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
edited by Pamela Smith Hill available at the gift shop in Walnut Grove.

Annette Recommended
Locust: The Devastating Rise and Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect that Shaped the American Frontier by Jeffrey A. Lockwood available here.

The Three Faces of Nellie: The Real Story Behind Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Nellie Oleson" by Robynne Elizabeth Miller available here.

Not a resource for my research, but I also recommended
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser available here. 

And if you're interested in Laura's other writings
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Farm Journalist: Writings from the Ozarks edited by Stephen W. Hines available here.

Give Your Opinion!

Leave a comment below to tell us which Little House book you hope we'll discuss next! We're considering a fall book discussion. To not miss the announcement, consider subscribing here or joining The Beautiful Snow Facebook group (both links are above). 

Happy Trails! 
~ Annette 
 Annette Whipple is a nonfiction children's author. Learn more about her books and presentations at

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