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Questions for Caroline

Questions for Caroline
Many of us who have been long-time readers of the Little House books feel like we know the characters and the real people who they represent pretty well. But the hard reality is Laura Ingalls Wilder's world of Little House has its limits. We know some historical documents shed light on some of the characters, but sometimes our imaginations run a bit wild.  That's why I love Carolyn Sucheki…
Book Anniversary and News

Book Anniversary and News

Prairie Man Review

Prairie Man Review

26 Activities for Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

26 Activities for Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder

10 Ways to Celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder's Birthday

10 Ways to Celebrate Laura Ingalls Wilder's Birthday

A Prairie Faith Book Review and Giveaway

A Prairie Faith Book Review and Giveaway

38 Activities for Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Who Was Mr. Edwards?

Who Was Mr. Edwards?