Did you miss the Little House in the Big Woods book discussion last week? I'm happy to let you know that a recording is available!
Author Cindy Wilson and I teamed up with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum of Pepin, Wisconsin to present this discussion. Please view the recording at https://zoom.us/rec/share/ 2wgk08yDBy_ pgE7JwGFPkdfR37aUUpOiWyb088vD1 CNoCqTVZdgSZjsFPN4HolfY. ZOqsl2LA78bYn90w
We're planning more Little House book discussions in the future. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a live chat.
Happy trails!
Annette Whipple is a nonfiction children's author. Learn more about her books and presentations at www.AnnetteWhipple.com.
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