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Laura Ingalls Wilder Traveling Panel Exhibit

The Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum and the Missouri Humanities Council provide schools (and libraries) with a free Laura Ingalls Wilder panel exhibit. It's an incredible opportunity to remind people of all ages of the life and importance of Laura Ingalls Wilder.

If you follow me on Facebook (at Little House Companion or my author page) then you might remember I shared about the Laura Ingalls Wilder traveling panels earlier in October. I was thrilled they would be fairly close to me in the Lancaster, Pennsylvania area.

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I finally took a morning to visit the Milanof-Schock Library in Mount Joy, PA. The exhibit was small, but full of information! The display wove American history and Laura Ingall Wilder's life perfectly.

Having researched the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder for many years (and now writing a book related to her), I knew I'd read lots of familiar facts. I also enjoyed the images that were new (or forgotten), like Mary's name card! I really appreciated how the panels helped the readers to understand how the Ingalls family experience tied into the westward expansion of the United States. 
As I talked to one of the librarians, I learned how the panel exhibit reminded people about the Little House books. Some hadn't read them in years. Others were fans of the television show but had never read the books. The exhibit provided the perfect nudge!

After my little tour, I wandered around the library. In addition to the collection of Laura Ingalls Wilder-related and pioneering books displayed on the shelf (pictured below), I spotted multiple other Wilder books around the library. 
Thank you to the Milanof-Schock Library for hosting the Laura Ingalls Wilder traveling panel exhibit to your community! If you're interested in bringing the exhibit to your school or library, contact the Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home and Museum. Consider providing some pioneer  and Little House activities to go with the panel visit! 

Happy Trails!
~ Annette

Annette Whipple is a nonfiction children's author. Learn more about her books and presentations at

1 comment

  1. Annette,
    Be sure to let the LIW Home & Museum know you saw this exhibit in PA. They love to hear real responses to the panels. Hope you’ll visit Mansfield next year as your book progresses.
    Connie in Colorado
