You've already considered when and where the LIW party will be. You've also determined who you might invite. The party-goers will greatly determine what you do during the party. A ladies' night out party will look very different than a children's party.
Your celebration may be mostly in the form of a presentation, from you or someone who puts on Laura Ingalls Wilder programs (linked to my programs).
Laura the Woman
Though party-goers may know the Little House books better than Laura Ingalls Wilder the person, consider how or if you will celebrate the woman of Laura beyond the books. Consider some of these questions and brainstorm more.
- What was Laura passionate about as an adult?
- What was Laura like as an adult?
- How did Laura first begin her writing career?
- What made her write the Little House books?
Most of all, I hope you will discuss
- Why is Laura Ingalls Wilder still relevant today?
Laura the Child
Most people think of Laura as a child and teenager since that is how they know her best from her Little House books. Consider highlighting some events from her childhood. Or highlight facts vs. fiction from the books. How was Laura's childhood different than others' on the American frontier?
You'll want to research this information for yourself. I would strongly suggest you use Pamela Hill Smith or William Anderson's books to do so. If you are near any of the Wilder or Ingalls home sites or the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, I would encourage you to visit them. Here is a partial list of Laura Ingalls Wilder resources. I also highly recommend Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer's Life (affiliate link), though I don't have a review of the book here. It's full of fascinating information!
If you do not have Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, I would suggest you start there. It's basically a LIW encyclopedia!
Little House Books
Do you want to discuss the Little House books, too? You might like a particular Little House book (or Laura biography). I have some Little House printables to help you get started.
How to Present
You may want to just share the information about Laura. However, you may also want to create a game or ask others to research a specific Laura topic. Have fun with this!
Next time we'll talk about some activities you might include in a Laura Ingalls Wilder 150th celebration party. If you haven't already subscribed to Little House Companion or my newsletter, please consider doing so!
Laura Ingalls Wilder Event Posts
Part 1: Who, When, and Where?
Part 2: Celebrating Laura Ingalls Wilder
Part 3: Pioneer Activities
Part 4: Pioneer Food
Part 5: Pioneer Decorations
~ Annette Whipple
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